Esther and family have cared for stray and unwanted animals for over 40 years, with no funding or support.

To assist the recovery of animals in extreme cases, the Charity continues to care for those who have been left due to tragic circumstances as well as helping guardians with their affected animals.

Right now, we very limited facilities to care for animals. As a result, we help those brought to us to heal and find balance before finding them new forever homes or foster care.

If you are interested in offering a home to an animal, (at present we are dealing mainly with cats), please get in touch via the contact page. A home check, as well as other relevant checks and references are conducted before handing any animal over to a new guardian.

We are currently seeking funding to help keep the cats in good health and would appreciate hearing from anyone with fundraising ideas or experience who may be able to help us.
Donations are always welcome Every amount helps, there is no minimum donation.



Presently Mr Pleaides R Clyne aka PD, the wonderful therapy dog has begun his humanitarian life purpose by visiting humans who may need a little extra TLC and JOY.

PD is perfectly trained and experienced around both young and old, excellent with all other animals, and has a deep natural gift for soothing those in pain or distress. A true healer dog, PD awaits invites to visit care homes or individuals who may benefit from his loveliness.

Please request a visit via the contact page.

Donations are always welcome, every amount helps.

Click here to find out more