We encourage creative beings of all ages to get in touch. Samples of your art, on a first come first served basis, can be displayed on the website for a limited time, helping you to showcase your skills. This will allow others to appreciate your work, whilst improving your confidence and self belief.

We are interested in all forms of art:
  • Poetry
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Sewing
  • Modelling Sculpture...anything goes.

We can also advise you on attaining legal copyright of your material before it goes on display.

We will not be responsible for selling your art; however you are free to share your contact details with potential buyers along with your displayed work, or via request on our contact page.

Art & Poety Submissions

Art & Poetry

July 2022

Art & Poetry

March 2023

Donations are always welcome, every amount helps.

Click here to find out more